hello i'm JOSEPH

"I'm a 20-year-old developer and student from Lalitpur, Nepal. With a love
for learning, I'm constantly exploring and creating new things."

Follow along to see my Projects Journey Growth

About Joseph.

Hello! I'm a self-taught developer who started programming as a hobby and quickly grew a interest for it. I work with languages/frameworks such as Python, JavaScript , Kotlin , Django ,React ,MySQl , Postgres and Rest APIs. I enjoy building/working on my pet projects.Apart from programming I like to travel new places.

When I am not programming you can probably find me at the nearest Basketball court.Basketball has been one of my favourite hobby till now.

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All of the project code and library can be accessed through via my github profile.


Library Backend Rest API

This is a backend project where I have built Rest API's using DRF library and python Django for a library database. Token authentication is implemented for authentication/authorization. Immportant api endpoints are also protected from unauthorized user access .click here>>


Twitter Full Stack Clone

This is a Full Stack Twitter Clone featuring essential functionalities like posting, liking, following, user notifications, and authentication. Developed with Django in the backend and vanilla JS for content rendering, the project leverages the Fetch API for efficient JSON data posting and retrieval. You can find the complete source code on my GitHub.click here>>


EverGreen Ecommerce MartetPlace

EverGreen is an Online Marketplace project that I developed for my Hack4earth hackathon submission which won an honorery position.This project is built using Django for the backend and makes the most out of the django template system.The source code is available in my Github.click here>>



Future Mail is a passion project where users can write letter for their future self to recieve.This is a Full stack web app backed by django framework and is hosted on the render platform on a sigaporean server.click here>>



QuickNote is an online note storage web application developed using the Django framework and backed by an SQLite3 database. It was created as a personal learning project to enhance my skills in backend development. The project is currently hosted on the Render platform.click here>>



PHOTOWALL is a beta website where users can upload and share their collection of photo boards.It is a safe place for people with social anxiety who worry about likes,comment and refrain from posting in major social media platforms.click here>>

Projects Web Portfolio

With a combination of HTML, CSS, and a touch of JavaScript, I have crafted this website to showcase my skills and projects. Dive in to explore my work and learn more about me as a developer

Python Weather GUI

Developed during my early learning phase, this project utilizes an open API to provide real-time weather information. With the help of the Pygame library, I've created a visually engaging experience for users to stay informed about the weather conditions.Click here>>

Youtube Frontend Clone

YouTube Recreation Project—a learning project where I recreated YouTube's interface using HTML and CSS.Click here>>


Learn about my ongoing project and updates through the future blog posts.

20 Jan


Feel Free to send me a message or suggestions about my projects.